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Earning Preferences

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Frequent Traveler Numbers cannot be shared across Wyndham Rewards Member accounts.

Search Results Preferences

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Choose your preferred amenity and brand filters.

Room Type Preferences

Choose what type of room you prefer when booking.

Corporate Code

Add your corporate code to see your discounted rate when available.

Let's Keep in Touch:

Yes, I would like Wyndham Hotel Group, LLC and the Wyndham group of companies to send me marketing text messages to the mobile number provided on my account. Texts may be sent using automated dialing technology. My consent is not a required condition of making a purchase. Please note: Your profile may not immediately reflect your opt-in or opt-out preference for text messages; however, all opt-out requests will be honored immediately.

Yes, I would like Wyndham Rewards and the Wyndham group of companies to keep me updated on member promotions, hotel and resort rate offers, and deals from program participants (such as airlines and car rentals) by email, postal mail, and/or telephone.

Yes, I would like Wyndham Rewards to forward my details to select third parties (such as airlines and car rentals) to offer me products or services by email, postal mail, SMS, and/or telephone, in connection with our loyalty program or a loyalty program of one of our partners.

By tapping “Save Changes,” you acknowledge you have read and agree to the Wyndham Hotel Group, LLC Privacy Notice and Additional Disclosures and the Wyndham Rewards Terms and Conditions, including arbitration and class action waiver provisions therein.

Special Offer: Earn up to 90,000 Bonus Points

With the Wyndham Rewards Earner® Cards, you can earn up to 90,000 bonus points—enough for up to 12 free nights. See Terms & Conditions for details.

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