Total for Stay
Check In Time
Check Out Time
Total Rooms
Estimated Taxes and Fees
Total Before Taxes and Fees
Estimated Taxes and Fees
Total Taxes
Except for any taxes that may apply only to certain guests (e.g., local guests) in certain countries, if Estimated Taxes and Fees for the room price show zero, then any taxes and fees are already included in the “Price Per Night,” and “Total Before Taxes and Fees” will be the same as “Total.” Additional charges may apply for local amenities such as rollaway beds, parking, safe warranties, telephone charges, and pets (if allowed). Package price(s) (if any) are inclusive of taxes associated with the purchase of such items. Cancellation policies for packages/add-ons may differ from those applicable to your stay. Please check with the property for further information.
Reservation Policies
Package Guarantee
Package Cancel Penalty