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Resort Fee of $33.22 per night will be added to the indicated room rate and collected at checkout. Customers using certain corporate, leisure or group rate plans may be charged a lower Resort Fee. Daily Resort Fee includes: 10% off spa treatment in Sonoran Spa; 10% off Spa retail purchases in Sonoran Spa; Whiskey or Tequila flight tastings daily in Palm Bar & Restaurant from 4p to 5p; Complimentary 1 hour court time at the Tennis Club (reservations required); Complimentary guest room internet access; 10% off horseback riding at Westward Look (reservations required)

Resort Fee of $33.22 per night will be added to the indicated room rate and collected at checkout. Customers using certain corporate, leisure or group rate plans may be charged a lower Resort Fee. Daily Resort Fee includes: 10% off spa treatment in Sonoran Spa; 10% off Spa retail purchases in Sonoran Spa; Whiskey or Tequila flight tastings daily in Palm Bar & Restaurant from 4p to 5p; Complimentary 1 hour court time at the Tennis Club (reservations required); Complimentary guest room internet access; 10% off horseback riding at Westward Look (reservations required)

Based on your search, you have enough Wyndham Rewards points to book your stay using points. To switch to price view, please refine your search using the "Price" filter on the left.

Based on your search, you have enough Wyndham Rewards points to book your stay using points. To switch to price view, please refine your search by selecting "Price" above.

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